SKS Ayurvedic College & hospital is one of the best Ayurvedic hospitals in UP where as the profession suggests health is given the top priority. We are one of the top CCIM Approved BAMS Ayurvedic colleges in Rajasthan/UP serving the masses from more than 18 years and to serve the society we, the team of doctors, students need to be healthy mentally and physically. Hence at SKS Ayurvedic College we adopt various measures to keep our students the future doctors and the remaining doctors healthy.
Hygienically prepared meal
We are one of the top BAMS Ayurvedic Colleges in Haryana with hostel facility for students looking for Ayurvedic College admission in Rajasthan/UP/MP. For students living in hostel we provide 4 tier hygienically prepared meals which is best suited according to the weather. Apart from the hygiene meal for hostellers we have an in house canteen which serves hygienically prepared food for local students as well as hostellers. Healthy mind rests in the healthy body giving importance to this fact we take full concern that all the students must be served fresh and hygiene foods. Adding more feathers to the cap of SKS all the patients are also served healthy food on a regular basis according to their health condition.